FULL MOON MEDITATION - September 16th 2016 - WILL (with offering)

SEPTEMBER 16th  2016

To be done in a circle with other people or alone, manifesting the intention of joining one of the circles doing the meditation at distance.


If possible wear white clothes.
If the meditation does not take place outdoors, prepare an altar where the four elements
 must be present: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Light up a white candle in front of every attendant, and another one in the center of the circle.
People attending this kind of meditation for the first time should be sitting inside the circle.
When holding your hands, place the left palm upwards (income) and the right palm downwards (outcome).



  A white candle.
One quartz of any kind. It will accompany us during the complete cycle, until we’ll give it to the Earth in the Summer of 2017.

This offering will be done after the meditation.
The groups located in countries where it’s winter right now, can invite participants to perform the offering the next day, in Nature or on a living potted plant.

Some water.
  A lit candle.
A little bit of rice.
A stone where you wrote the following sentence:
All I need to realize my life plan.

If you can not perform this meditation outdoors or in Nature, you also need
an alive potted plant, to make the offering in it.


Millions of stars drive now our progress. Millions of asleep purposes that wake up now and begin to be fulfilled. Colored dreams come to matter, to show us that magic exists and that the world is already transforming, by leaps and bounds. The energy of the New Earth already moves on with great force.

The impetus of life pushes its way. Love was always the answer. Finally, our minds open up to that certainty. The possibility of change expands now, as a reality, all over the Earth.

What we always crave shows us the way forward. Humans are finally decided to pay attention to the voice that speaks from within, the voice of their souls, which for centuries cried out to be heard.

Today you understand that to be you is the most authentic possibility, the viable path, the way out. Now you just need the will to implement it and overcome all the obstacles. Your mind may oppose, grasping for years to the habit of not being. Maybe your family oppose, fearing that you’d get hurt. Also you can find opposition from those who refuse to change themselves. It doesn’t matter. Remember that the will be your ally to stay the course; and not giving up, not surrendering, will help you move forward with firm steps.

Shows will and perseverance. Life is looking forward to impulse you, so that you return to be yourself in all areas of your life. Life keeps beautiful gifts ready for you. You find them on the path that your soul plotted. Follow your heart desires. Heed yourself. Offer love and respect. Immerse yourself in the energy of the New Earth and realize that you too are part of the magic that now spans the globe.


This meditation is accompanied by an offering to boost life purpose. We will ask the help of Mother Earth so that all the resources we need to materialize it reach us easily. Anything that has to do with matter. Let’s recall that gratitude and confidence will be needed to be present all the time, knowing that the requested aid has already been granted. We will make the offering at the end of the meditation.


Close your eyes and get ready to relax.
Deeply inhale and exhale three times.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Focus all your attention in the center of your chest.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Imagine the strand of light that arises from your heart to the center of the Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Imagine as well the strand of light that arises from your heart to the Source.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Repeat to yourself: I am one in me.
Feel your mind and heart merging.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

I am one with the Earth.
Become one with her.
PAUSE (1 minute)

I am one with the Source.
Feel the fusion with Divinity.
PAUSE (1 minute)


In this moment, from the sky, a sphere of solar light descends in front of you.
Perceive how it is arriving little by little, to place at the height of your solar plexus.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

That sphere of solar light enters you, at the height of your stomach. It enters in your body.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It starts radiating its light.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Its function is to boost the will in you,
as it balances your energetic centers, one by one,
beginning with the center that promotes willpower and self-esteem:
your solar plexus.
Feel its light radiating there.
Feel its heat
and the power it owns, the power of its light.
PAUSE (1 minute)

From there it radiates to your second chakra, slightly below your belly button.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Giving you will, so that, from today on, you dare to create with no doubts.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

It irradiates as well to your first chakra, slightly below your coccyx.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The solar light grants will to your first chakra,
so that, from today on, you walk with firm steps on the Earth.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

And from the solar plexus it continues radiating
so that you dare to be yourself in your life.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

From there it reaches your fourth chakra, in the center of your chest,
granting you will, so that you are encouraged to listen to your soul.           
PAUSE (30 seconds)

It irradiates now in your throat, your fifth chakra,
so that you are encouraged to express love in all the areas of your life.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

And from the throat to the forehead, your sixth chakra,
granting you will to perceive the signs and to trust them.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

At last it reaches your seventh chakra, the crown one,
a few centimeters above your head,
to allow light to pass and the communication with the divine.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Feel the solar light of will radiating now from all your chakras,
balancing your energetic centers, to generate a positive shift,
an advance on your way.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

This solar light remains in your plexus radiating every day.
You just have to focus your attention on it to give it strength.
PAUSE (20 seconds)


Allow now this halo of will to be expanded throughout your aura.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Your aura is filled with solar light.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

A bubble of light is formed around you.
A bubble of light that floats and rises.
You're in it.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Enjoy the feeling of weightlessness.
With the will to express love on Earth also comes the magic.
Feel it flowing right now all over your aura.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Gradually, that bubble of light is leading your to your own life,
a review of your own life.
PAUSE (1 minute)

It stops at that point in your life where you need to manifest will urgently.
Observe from your bubble of light.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

What happens there in that moment, in that place or with those people?
PAUSE (10 seconds)

What are the signs that passed unnoticed for you?
PAUSE (30 seconds)

By looking from the outside you understand what you missed.
You might understand yourself and others.
PAUSE (2 minutes)

Use your imagination now to see what would happen
if you’d apply will in that area of your life.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

How things would change?
PAUSE (2 minutes)

Do you like what you see?
PAUSE (20 seconds)

There is nothing to set you apart from that shift, if you apply will,
because the strength you have in your interior is immense;
because you can achieve anything you set your mind to,
if you believe in yourself and go along willingly.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

Dare now to make a decision:
From today on I will walk steadily on Earth,
applying my will to overcome all obstacles, with harmony and beauty.
Will to listen to my soul and heed.
Will to create, to be, to feel, to enjoy, to live.
To live the way my heart is asking.
Being me above all things.
Respect myself and the others.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I join the energy of the New Earth and I let myself go for it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The strength of this decree radiates from your heart,
throughout all that sphere of light that you are immersed in, and you float.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

This force moves the sphere and takes you with renewed energy,
direct back to this place, to this circle.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

To settle permanently in you,
causing a decisive effect.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel the integration of the will in you:
Starting today things are going to change.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Now radiate that light from the center of your chest toward the center of this circle.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Notice how a beautiful sphere of golden light is formed,
solar light, in the center of the circle.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

Will is strengthened by the contribution of each one.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Allow that sphere to expand and encompass the entire circle.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

It has a message for you. One for each one. Listen to it.
PAUSE (1 minute)

We will allow now the sphere to go beyond this circle.
With the power of intention, propel it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel its light permeating every corner wherever it goes, generating an invitation.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

With the maximum respect for the will of every being, will is expanded.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

All those who resonate with its energy and feel the call
will be able to open their heart to accept being helped,
to start walking down the path that his soul marked.
Will is needed to move forward despite the obstacles,
to stay the course,
to keep trusting.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

If you stand still, your life stops,
the energy stagnates and you turn away from the beauty that the universe has in store for you.
In this immense shift in consciousness, you are a key player,
an agent that generates change with every step, with every decision, every act.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Remember that the will be your ally.
Move forward notwithstanding.
Keep listening to your soul.
Keep in you.
Keep calm, promote joy and confidence,
and you will see how the path opens and life you yearn is revealed,
it’s shown, offered and materialized,
to encourage you to be and to express the voice of your soul in all areas of your life.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Gradually the sphere of light is reaching even further,
seeking unity with the other spheres that expand throughout the Earth today.
Look at the beauty of this moment of love and unity,
while they become close to each other.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Together they merge as one to express an intention, a purpose:
to offer a helping hand to all those who crave a change,
to all those who have asked for help to the universe, to angels, God, life.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Reminding them the importance of the will to be themselves,
to move forward with confidence,
to persevere and not give up, knowing that life is a learning experience,
but also of enjoyment.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Joy and enjoyment are born in the soul.
That is why it is so important to listen to it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

This great sphere of light, which we have created together, will radiate its light on Earth from now on, permanently, to help us all to keep on moving forward.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It has been created by the power of unity, and thus it is infinite and eternal.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

We give thanks to all the beings of light who have voluntarily accompanied us to guide this meditation.

To Mother Earth and the Source, for providing us their light.

To every attendant, in presence or at the distance, for collaborating in unity.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Now we will perform the offering.


Put yourself in a place outdoors, in Nature, where you can make a hole in the ground.
If you cannot, put yourself facing a pot in which there is a living plant.

1.    Take the stone and write on it this sentence: All I need to fulfill my plan of life. Write it down and allow the universe to decide and show you what is what you really need: material resources, situations and people which will help achieving it, allowing the life plan of your soul to be fulfilled.

2.    Ask now for the guardians of the place’s permission to perform the offering. Show them your respect.

3.    Show as well your respect to Mother Earth.

4.   Place your hands on the place where you’ll make the offering and manifest gratitude, respect and confidence.

5.    Feel the energy of the Earth, answering your call, on the palms of your hands. Feel their throb and the beautiful energy with she speaks to you.

6.    Now make a hole in that place.

7.    Place in it the on which you have written the indicated sentence: all I need to fulfill my plan of life.

8.    Manifest the intention that the Earth help you to achieve it.

9.    Convoke the air element, for the paths to be opened, for the obstacles to disappear and all that come to you, all that will propel your life purpose.

10.  Spread the rice over the stone, as a symbol of fertility and trust.

11.  Convoke now the water element.

12.  Put some water over your offering, to give it fluidity, so that the energy flows.

13.  Cover now everything with the earth that you previously extracted.

14.  Seal with your hands.

15. Place a lit candle over the offering, convoking the fire element, to give it strength and will to that purpose.

16.  Place your hands on the Earth and give thanks, with the certainty that the Earth and the universe are already helping you materializing.

From Agartam, we wish you a wonderful new solar year, full of power will and love.


IN COLLABORATION WITH AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF VALUES  We propose taking trust to your life, in your daily situations, until next full moon. Find more details following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF HO’OPONOPONO also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF BIODANCE also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)


September 16th  2016


If you wish to join one of the circles doing these meditations each month in several countries please e-mail us at
reddeluz@agartam.com (Spanish) / english@agartam.com (English)
We’ll give you the information to contact the nearest group to your city. For that, we need you to indicate us which country and city you are in.

You can also search for the information of the closest group to your city on the RED DE LUZ section of our website: www.agartam.com, though only the ones that gave us permission are publicly shown.

 If you wish to start a new group yourself, please e-mail us to:
Full Moon meditations are free activities offered by Agartam which are open to any person who wishes to participate.


At 9.00 pm
Alicia Sánchez Montalbán y Víctor Polo (Ananda Sananda) AT
In front of #18 in Passeig Marqués Casa Riera.

Guided live by Josefina Huerta Genaro (Spanish):
At 11:30 pm, Spain time zone


Guided live by Griselda Sfacia:
At 9.00 pm, Argentina time zone
(No password needed. Just type the name in the user’s window)



        MANTRA FM     
Check the website to know the schedule:

At 9.00pm, Spain time.


Check out our website to find other countries and cities www.agartam.com (Red de Luz)

FRANCE: france@agartam.com



The Network of Light is created with the Full moon meditations. We convoke them in this phase of the moon because the full moon amplifies all that is done during the days it takes place.  We thus amplify the effect of the meditation. An effect which is as it is very powerful, due to the strength of UNITY.

Furthermore, following the cycle of the Moon, we also respect THE NATURAL CYCLES through which our loving planet undergoes and we reactivate the effect of the Network of Light with a new meditation in each new cycle.

We meditate united in a circle and then we join this energy that is created by each circle to the one that is being created by other circles at distance.  It´s a circle of light destined to first balance one ownself and then help humanity and the planet.

At present there are more than 1000 groups which perform it in the whole world, a number that is growing each day.

Would you like to organize them in your city?

We will send you the meditation each month. You will only have to call the people and read it. You can start with a few friends or relatives. The ideal would be to organize it the way you feel is the best. You must feel comfortable while doing it, and it should also have your own energy and your own way of doing it.

The only thing we ask you for is that it should be a completely free activity, open to all those who would like to participate.


Small sample of the Network of Light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnPJ7oZOK4Q&list=UUS_hqOik7i7ol6AQbr1w_hQ

Agartam, what is it? Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ii0UleScXw

Agartam, the strength of unity. Interview:

Agartam, the strength of the union: Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2BX5CnJLW4

How the Network of Light was created: Conference:  http://vimeo.com/52922336

Ritual of full moon, June 2010. Recorded Live: http://vimeo.com/13173586

If you wish to organize these full moon meditations in your city,
you can write us an email to


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