FULL MOON MEDITATION - December 14th 2016 - HUMILITY (Cycle: Oneness Values)

DECEMBER 14th, 2016

To be done in a circle with other people or alone, manifesting the intention of joining one of the circles doing the meditation at distance.


If possible wear white clothes.
If the meditation does not take place outdoors, prepare an altar where the four elements
 must be present: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Light up a white candle in front of every attendant, and another one in the center of the circle.
People attending this kind of meditation for the first time should be sitting inside the circle.
When holding your hands, place the left palm upwards (income) and the right palm downwards (outcome).


  A white candle.
One quartz of any kind. It will accompany us during the complete cycle, until we’ll give it to the Earth in the Summer of 2017.



Humility is the source of great knowledge because it distances us from the ego and places us in the heart. The heart knows and understands that everything is love, that in reality we are all on this earth to remember that with love, everything is solved.

Our divine essence unites us and that is why we are equal in it. A soul full of light dwells within each heart. No matter what she does, what she says or what she manifests, as she immerses herself in duality. The soul is still soul, it is still light.

Sometimes, duality oppresses her so much that the ego takes command, and then the person begins to create from the disconnection, the internal disconnection that prevents him from showing love. But the soul is still there, within, crying out to be heard, trying to emerge, to manifest, to illuminate...

To avoid getting lost in the ego games, it’s the soul of every human being that we must look at, the soul that tries to breakthrough in this reality. When we look at the soul and not at her acts or words we will realize that we all face the same challenges, the same evolutionary tests. Some find this more difficult than others, but internally, we all move in the same direction: we are learning to be love in the midst of darkness.

That is the great challenge that humanity is facing today: to be love no matter what happens, to listen to the heart rather than to the ego. Ego wants to control, to feel strong, important, to lead... But ego doesn’t have the road map; heart has got it. Heart doesn’t care about power or external recognition, it does not consider itself superior nor inferior. Heart only wants to radiate love, and knows that we all, absolutely all, are qualified to do it.

Heart recognizes the soul that dwells in every being, because it resonates with her; she is her sister.

Heart seeks no guilties, nor devises how to punish. Heart doesn’t feel hurt when other judges or hurts. It gives compassion and understanding.

Heart doesn’t judge the others or itself. It knows that we are all apprentices of love and it performs an exercise of internal reflection, when everything around is confused, to discover the test hidden behind confusion.

Heart is humble, without that humility causing him to consider himself inferior. Heart knows that we are all equal, that there are no teachers, because the true master of every human being is within.

Humility is the key to the great knowledge because it distances us from the ego, and brings us to the heart, the place that unites all of us like brothers and sisters, and shows us that our true essence is love.


Close your eyes and get ready to relax.
inhale deeply and let the air escape gently,
while you free yourself from thoughts and tensions that separate you from this moment.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Do it several times.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Now take your attention to the center of your chest and imagine the light that ignites there.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Imagine also that that light is connected, with a ray of light, to the center of the Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

And with another ray of light, with the Source, with God.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel how your heart expands in contact with your two essences, human and divine.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Repeat internally:
I am one in me.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with Mother Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with the Source.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel the power that this decree generates.
PAUSE (30 seconds)


Ask now for a bath of diamond light to descend on you.
From the Source to the center of the Earth, around you.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Diamond light raises your vibration and helps you open the heart.
Feel it.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Diamond light raises your vibration and helps you opening the heart.
Feel it.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Now you get rid of the layers of negativity that may have been with you.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Mother Earth accepts and embraces them.
With her infinite love she elevates them to the Light.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Everything is light; everything is harmony, if you look at life with the eyes of the heart,
PAUSE (10 seconds)

if you realize and understand that
which is human is also part of love.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

To be able to contemplate this, you just have to open your heart
and observe the beauty that surrounds you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)


Look carefully at the beauty emanating from each of the souls
dwelling in the people who accompany you in this meditation today.
Look at their souls.
Feel how they glow in the center of their chests.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Beings of light, living a human experience.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Beings of light remembering that, in truth, they are love
and learning to apply it in an environment impregnated with duality.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Beings of light that are making their way in each life,
with every step, with every decision,
with every understanding.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel the infinite love that emerges from the center of your chest,
when you look at their souls and you realize that in truth we are all the same.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

We are all part of the original great light,
which generated everything.
The origin of life is found in God,
and God is found in your heart.
Feel your own divinity manifesting itself here and now,
when contemplating the divinity of the others.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

We are all wise and masters, when we listen to our heart.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The heart is never wrong, because it possesses the truth of each being.
That truth is a frequency that unifyies us,
an infinite vibration that is called love.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Go now a little further,
towards the people whom you may find insufferable.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Look closely at the light they carry in the center of their chest.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Go even a little further.
Look at those you might never want to meet again.
Look at the light they carry in the center of their chest.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And be amazed at its immense goodness.
A kindness which is identical to yours,
because the truth is that you are brothers in essence
and that nothing of what they manifest matters,
because that light always remains
and tries to breakthrough to illuminate.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

We are all the same in essence.
There are no higher beings or lower beings.
There are souls who want to light up
and minds that, perhaps, do not allow it.
The challenge is to remember.
To remember that we are light
and that we came to this world to perform a sacred work of love and expansion,
of constant learning, of evolution.
Some do it faster than others,
but we are all in the same boat, sailing towards love.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Internal review is constantly needed.
Consulting with the soul.
Allowing the mind to speak and show us where it is stranded,
to be able to solve, to heal the wounds and to advance.
Ask your soul now to take you
towards that moment of your life where you need to manifest humility.
It may be from the past, from the present, or perhaps from the future.
It’s a moment when your heart wants to express itself,
to show you the way of love.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

You may need to carry out an exercise of internal review
and realize what part of you needs some attention, healing or love.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Conflicts are lessons for all parties involved in them.
There are no victims or guilty ones.
There are souls remembering how to be love.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Humility allows us to recognize our part
and express what we feel, from the heart,
in order to be able to heal what one day was broken.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

With humility, open your heart to the test that life brings you in that situation.
Stop looking at the other as responsible
and look inside you for the origin of the emotion that was generated.
PAUSE (1 minute)

This exercise of internal review is the key to your evolution.
Dare to look within to heal yourself and to resolve.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

The next step will be to express it with respect and love.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Humility heals you, because it connects you with your heart.
Your heart doesn’t understand anything about reproaches, judgments or pain.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Your heart wants to embrace and shine in harmony with its brothers of light.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

See how the energy of humility changes everything in that situation.
Imagine yourself applying it, and observe the outcome.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Now go back to this circle with that understanding.
Feel how your soul rejoices when she feels listened.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

The energy of humility is diamond-colored.
Project it now to the center of the circle,
to generate among all a great sphere of light.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel how it grows and expands, with the light of each.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It expands little by little, until it includes us all in it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Immersed now in the light of humility, we perceive the message that it brings to each one of us.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Now we allow it to expand beyond this circle,
so that it gradually reaches every corner,
touching hearts, inviting them to wake up,
caressing minds, whispering a message of love and hope,
which people need to hear.
The light of this sphere does not transform anything,
it simply offers an invitation:

Brother, sister, the answer is found in your heart,
the solution to the conflict and the course that one day was lost.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Offer love to your mind,
for her to stop fighting, to feel alone or hurt
and to dare to look at your heart,
at the infinite light that you carry inside and that is your soul, your true being.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Brother, sister, please accept the gift that this light brings for you
and remember that humility will be your ally
to be able to listen to your heart.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The sphere of light is expanding, little by little, further and further.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It goes to meet the other spheres of light loaded with humility,
that are spreading today throughout the Earth, seeking unity.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

In truth we are all one.
We are all the same in essence.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Notice how they are approaching each other.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Merging with each other
and showing us that there is no difference between us.
There is no difference between the human beings living on this planet.
We are brothers in truth, even if we have forgotten it.
Today we remember it from the heart
and we feel blissful,
because that is the truth of the soul.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The truth of the One.
The truth of God.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

All together they create a large sphere of diamond light around the Earth.
Feel the beauty of this moment of light.
Everything is oneness.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

There is no separation.
It’s a fantasy created to evolve.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Let your heart guide you at every step of the way
and you'll never get lost again.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Sparks of diamond light are now released for the Earth,
to heal the air,
the waters of the whole planet,
the several layers of the subsoil
and all of its living beings.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It’s our offering for you, Mother Earth. Thank you.
PAUSE (1 minute)

This Network of Light will continue to be permanently active all around the Earth, to help us all remembering that humility is a very important evolutionary step if we want to progress.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It has been created by the force of One and that is why it’s eternal.
An immensely healing energy that envelops the planet.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

We thank all the beings of light who have voluntarily accompanied us to guide this meditation.

Thanks to Mother Earth and the Source, for helping us with their energy and with their love.

Thanks to all present, here or in the distance, for collaborating in unity.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Place your hands on the Earth and ask her to absorb from you all the energy that your physical body is not able to sustain.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

From Agartam, we thank you for your beautiful collaboration on this full moon night.



NOVEMBER 14th 2016

To be done in a circle with other people or alone, manifesting the intention of joining one of the circles doing the meditation at distance.


If possible wear white clothes.
If the meditation does not take place outdoors, prepare an altar where the four elements
 must be present: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Light up a white candle in front of every attendant, and another one in the center of the circle.
People attending this kind of meditation for the first time should be sitting inside the circle.
When holding your hands, place the left palm upwards (income) and the right palm downwards (outcome).



  A white candle.
One quartz of any kind. It will accompany us during the complete cycle, until we’ll give it to the Earth in the Summer of 2017.



Acceptance is not the same as conformism. We accept what happens when we stop opposing it internally, with complaints and lamentations. We conform when we feel incapable of transforming what happens and we get angry about it, considering ourselves victims of circumstances. Conformism leads us to resignation and this to weakness, which disconnects us from the great creative force of our souls. When I consider myself a victim of what happens and I believe I am unable to bear it or I am inwardly opposed to it, I am opposing the wisdom of life, which constantly moves the threads so that it happens exactly what must happen.

Life constantly shows us that everything is perfect, that what we don’t understand today, is revealed tomorrow as appropriate and necessary. The energy moves so that we recover the course and finally listen to the voice of our heart. If I oppose what happens, I create fight in my heart and that struggle breaks my internal unity, because it distances me from love, from serenity, from true acceptance.

The acceptance of life as it is allows me to surrender to its flow and realize that, in giving up control, I find true peace. Sooner or later I will see that life was right, that what seemed to me unbearable or out of place was exactly what had to happen, so that everything would be rearranged in my world and I would recover the course I lost.

Accepting is not the same as resigning oneself. To accept is to embrace what happens with serenity and confidence, sure that the purpose hidden behind the apparent injustice will soon be revealed, to show us that everything is perfect.


Close your eyes and be ready to relax.
Inhale deeply and let the air escape gently.
Do it three times.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Bring all the attention to the center of your chest
And imagine a light that turns on there.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Imagine also that, from it, a thread of light arises,
direct towards the sky, towards the Source, that great original light of which you left one day.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Imagine also that, from the center of your breast, another thread of light arises,
which goes directly to the center of the Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Connected with your two essences, feel the unity in your heart:
your divine essence and your human essence.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Repeat inwardly:
I am one in me.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with the Source.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with Mother Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel the energy balancing throughout your being.
PAUSE (20 seconds)


Now imagine a tube of light,
that arises from the Source to the center of the Earth, around you.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Ask for a bath of golden light,
to balance yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

The golden light reaches you and permeates yourself completely.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

All your organic systems are filled with light.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Your cells recover the original perfection with which you were created.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

Your soul awakens, in contact with this golden light,
which now descends, ceaselessly, on your body
and expands, from the center of your chest, to cover you completely.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

The golden light reaches your aura
and balances all layers of your energy field,
helping you to vibrate in love, harmony and balance.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Now request that a bath of blue light descend over you, from the Source.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The blue light helps you serenate.
But, also, it gives you the courage and will to face any challenge.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel the energy of the blue light coming to you and bathing you completely.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Your body, your mind, your aura.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Be aware of that elevating frequency,
which gives you will, courage and strength.
PAUSE (20 seconds)


Life is much more than a physical experience.
Life is a great opportunity to show love in every situation,
in every conflict,
in every scene that unfolds
so that you may remember who you truly are and why you have come.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The opportunities offered daily are tests in your path.
Do you dare to apply love when your mind wants to be carried away by the wounded ego?
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Today we are going to practice acceptance, which is a very important step,
a previous step, before you can radiate love before the conflict,
before the difficult or painful situation or before everything that obfuscates you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

For this we are going to travel in a time machine.
A time machine that now appears before you,
inviting you to enter it.
Imagine it. You can do it.
Let your imagination fly and give it the form that it considers necessary.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Enter the time machine
and ask it to take you up to that moment or moments of your life
in which it was hard for you to practice acceptance.
Those situations that surpassed you,
to which you opposed with anger and pain.
Ask it to transport you to them,
because today, immersed in this blue light that gives you strength and courage,
you are going to change the perspective that day was created.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

You travel back in time,
led by a powerful force that invites you to remember.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Now, looking at everything from the outside,
as if watching a movie in which the protagonist is you,
let the blue light show you
what would have happened if you had practiced acceptance,
if you had decided not to fight inwardly,
nor externally either, with what was happening.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Not fighting. Simply, accepting that the wisdom of life
had brought to your door an opportunity to evolve.
PAUSE (1 minute)

The blue light shows you that serenity is the most important thing,
before deciding to give yourself to the fight or the acceptance.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Because from it you can respond, instead of reacting.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Notice what happens in you,
in that situation that you now relive from outside,
when you practice acceptance.
How does your energy change?
PAUSE (10 seconds)

How does your emotion transform?
PAUSE (40 seconds)

Life is immensely wise
and although at that moment you did not understand why this was happening
there was a greater purpose.
Ask the time machine to transport you
to the moment of the future in which you will understand it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Let yourself be carried away by that gentle energy, which leads you to that moment,
when your mind will open to show you that, in truth, everything was perfect.
When your soul will speak to you and you will surrender, finally, to the evidence
that what was so painful, unbearable perhaps, really kept a gift for you.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

It is important that you do not judge or cling to pain.
Feel the blue light that permeates you
and helps you looking at the situation from the innate wisdom of your heart.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

What was that situation teaching you?
PAUSE (10 seconds)

What have you learned or will you learn?
PAUSE (10 seconds)

How and how much did it help you growing up?
PAUSE (1 minute)

Be aware of that understanding.
And realize how energy really works,
how the wisdom of life always gives you opportunities for evolution.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Impregnate yourself with that understanding,
for you to remember from now on,
when you find yourself in situations of difficult acceptance.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

That understanding will help you to remember
that, after serenity, acceptance is necessary
to stop generating opposition and struggle within you.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Now tell the time machine to bring you to the present,
PAUSE (10 seconds)

carrying with you that understanding, in the center of your chest and also in your mind.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel it beating in both parts of your body,
in the form of golden blue light,
which today will serve as an offering for the Earth and for humanity.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

You return to this moment, to this place, to this circle,
bringing with you that wonderful golden blue energy
and a firm decision:
from today on I will practice the acceptance,
I will give up the fight inside me,
understanding that everything is perfect,
even if it hurts,
and that, sooner or later, I will understand its function.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Fully in your place, in the place that you occupy in this circle,
project that golden blue light toward the center of the circle.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel how a precious sphere of golden blue light forms there,
with the contribution of each one.
PAUSE (1 minute)

This light will help us all to remember
the uselessness of the struggle
and the way it complicates everything,
to give us courage and will
and for us to be able to accept everything that comes,
without internal opposition,
from serenity,
from understanding,
which are the pillars on which love can flow.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Little by little, the golden blue sphere is expanding along this whole circle,
until it fully embraces us.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel the power of unity, which we have all generated in it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Perceive the message that this golden blue light has for you.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Now let her go beyond this circle,
impregnating with its energy all the corners where it passes.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Leaving her frequency in the air, like an invitation:
Brother, sister, please, remember.
Fill yourself with courage and confidence, to surrender to life without misgivings.
Abandon the fight and realize its uselessness.
Accept everything that comes to your reality.
Embrace it with the light of your heart
and understand that everything is perfect,
because it helps your evolution.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Little by little, the sphere of golden blue light expands further,
far beyond this circle.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

It goes to meet the other spheres of golden blue light,
which have been created today in the distance,
from hundreds of places all over the planet.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Spheres of love, generated in unity
with the common purpose of helping to remember,
PAUSE (10 seconds)

to do their bit to help in this change of consciousness,
which is now expanding all over the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Little by little they approach to each other, attracted by their same frequency.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

They come together in one.
A large sphere of golden blue light, surrounding the Earth,
to raise its frequency.
The frequency of air.
The frequency of the aura of this planet.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Every human creation is impregnated in its aura.
Today we help from here,
from all the places where this meditation is performed,
to bring this high-frequency energy to Earth's aura.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

This golden blue light helps to remember,
but also to have the courage and will to face the change in consciousness,
which is already being generated in every human being.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Acceptance is a necessary step for evolution.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Thousands of blue and gold sparks are already released from that sphere
and are reaching the planet.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

To heal the air.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The waters.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The ground and the subsoil.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It is our contribution in unity to collaborate with the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

First we balance ourselves and thus we help the balance of the planet.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Thousands of blue and gold sparks spreading to touch every mind and every heart,
inviting them to unite, as one being, that creates in internal unity.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

This golden and blue light respects the free will of every being.
Just makes an invitation.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

It offers its help.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It invites to remember.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel how the Earth’s soul rejoices.
How she thanks you for your beautiful collaboration on this full moon night.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

This Network of Light will continue to work permanently, around the Earth, to help us all accepting, from serenity, trust and understanding. It has been created by the force of the One and that’s why it is infinite and eternal.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

We thank all the beings of light who have voluntarily accompanied us to guide this meditation.

All attendees, in presence or in the distance, for collaborating in unity.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Mother Earth and the Source, for helping us with their energy and unconditional love.

Place your hands on the Earth and ask her to absorb from you all the energy that your physical body is not able to sustain.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

From Agartam we thank you for your beautiful collaboration on this full moon night.

We propose taking acceptance to your life, in your daily situations, until next full moon. Find more details following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF HO’OPONOPONO also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF BIODANCE also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S COFFEE MEETING also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF ÁNIMA also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

FULL MOON MEDITATIONNovember 14th 2016


If you wish to join one of the circles doing these meditations each month in several countries please e-mail us at
reddeluz@agartam.com (Spanish) / english@agartam.com (English)
We’ll give you the information to contact the nearest group to your city. For that, we need you to indicate us which country and city you are in.

You can also search for the information of the closest group to your city on the RED DE LUZ section of our website: www.agartam.com, though only the ones that gave us permission are publicly shown.

 If you wish to start a new group yourself, please e-mail us to:
Full Moon meditations are free activities offered by Agartam which are open to any person who wishes to participate.

At 9.00 pm
Alicia Sánchez Montalbán y Víctor Polo (Ananda Sananda) at
In front of #18 in Passeig Marqués Casa Riera.


Guided live by Josefina Huerta Genaro (Spanish):
At 11:30 pm, Spain time zone


Guided live by Griselda Sfacia:
At 9.00 pm, Argentina time zone
(No password needed. Just type the name in the user’s window)



                MANTRA FM     
Check the website to see the schedule:

At 9.00pm, Spain time.


Check out our website to find other countries and cities www.agartam.com (Red de Luz)




The Network of Light is created with the Full moon meditations. We convoke them in this phase of the moon because the full moon amplifies all that is done during the days it takes place.  We thus amplify the effect of the meditation. An effect which is as it is very powerful, due to the strength of UNITY.

Furthermore, following the cycle of the Moon, we also respect THE NATURAL CYCLES through which our loving planet undergoes and we reactivate the effect of the Network of Light with a new meditation in each new cycle.

We meditate united in a circle and then we join this energy that is created by each circle to the one that is being created by other circles at distance.  It´s a circle of light destined to first balance one ownself and then help humanity and the planet.

At present there are more than 1000 groups which perform it in the whole world, a number that is growing each day.

Would you like to organize them in your city?

We will send you the meditation each month. You will only have to call the people and read it. You can start with a few friends or relatives. The ideal would be to organize it the way you feel is the best. You must feel comfortable while doing it, and it should also have your own energy and your own way of doing it.

The only thing we ask you for is that it should be a completely free activity, open to all those who would like to participate.


Small sample of the Network of Light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnPJ7oZOK4Q&list=UUS_hqOik7i7ol6AQbr1w_hQ

Agartam, what is it? Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ii0UleScXw

Agartam, the strength of unity. Interview:

Agartam, the strength of the union: Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2BX5CnJLW4

How the Network of Light was created: Conference:  http://vimeo.com/52922336

Ritual of full moon, June 2010. Recorded Live: http://vimeo.com/13173586

If you wish to organize these full moon meditations in your city,
you can write us an email to


Convocatorias Anteriores