FULL MOON MEDITATION - August 18th 2016 - TRUST (with offering)

AUGUST 18th 2016

To be done in a circle with other people or alone, manifesting the intention of joining one of the circles doing the meditation at distance.


If possible wear white clothes.
If the meditation does not take place outdoors, prepare an altar where the four elements
 must be present: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Light up a white candle in front of every attendant, and another one in the center of the circle.
People attending this kind of meditation for the first time should be sitting inside the circle.
When holding your hands, place the left palm upwards (income) and the right palm downwards (outcome).



  A white candle.
 One quartz of any kind. It will accompany us during the complete cycle, until we’ll give it to the Earth in the Summer of 2017.

This offering will be done after the meditation.
The groups located in countries where it’s winter right now, can invite participants to perform the offering the next day, in Nature or on a living potted plant.

A transparent quartz, to be given to the Earth.

Some rice.

A little of water.

Some seeds of any kind.

Some flower petals.

If you can not do this meditation outdoors or in Nature, you also will need
a living potted plant , to perform the offering on it.

A piece of satin ribbon of any colour (25 cm long x 0.5 cm wide approx.)



I trust that life brings to my door everything I need to evolve and advance.

Whatever it happens I remain calmed and at peace. I stand on my center, and from this place, I enjoy each moment.

Everything that happens is perfect. Everything happens because it must be so.

I trust life. I trust its infinite wisdom.

I remain aware, in the present, to be able to perceive the signs reaching me. Signs are all over. I just need trust and serenity to be able to interpret them with certainty.

Universal energy supports an impulses me, promoting my life purpose: what I came to learn, and what I came to contribute. All that surrounds me is transformed constantly, for me to be aligned just with that. My life plan is the plan that the Universe has got for me. Me myself decided it before incarnating, and because of that, I know that everything that happens is perfect. The energy of the New Earth drives me towards it all the time.

Confidence in myself and in the magic of life allow me to vibrate in the frequency of oneness, which now flows around the planet, to invite everyone to remember and to align ourselves with it.

My life lessons are my greatest source of learning. My role in the world is the one that brings me peace. So I flow and trust, so that everything rearranges, so that my life plan is fulfilled.

I know that I am pure love.

Love to myself, self confidence, is the first step. I love and respect me, and from this perspective, I remain at peace with everything that happens outside of me.

I start this new cycle, this new solar year, trusting the magic of life and trusting me.


Since 1583, the world follows the Gregorian calendar. This calendar moves in the 12:60 frequency (12 months per year and 60 minutes per hour). On it, time is measured with non-regular unities. Some months are 30 days long, and other ones are 31, 28 or 29 if it is a leap year.

Natural frequency of time is 13:20 (13 months and 20 minutes). This allows us counting time by lunar cycles, each one containing 4 weeks of seven days, resulting in 364 days, plus the day out of time.

The Thirteen Moons Calendar gives us back the natural sequence of time: 13 moons of 28 days, plus the day out of time, being July 25th, a day intended for meditation, thanks giving and celebration. Year by year, this calendar remains unaltered, because every month is 28 days long.

The New Year day is July 26th, which coincides with the raise of the Sirius star. This way, the Thirteen Moons calendar not only connects us to the natural cycles of our planets, but also with the rest of the galaxy.


The Güara is a symbol representing the power of unity. Symbols are energy.

The wishes of spiritual evolution of the people who tie their ribbon to it get concentrated to the Güara. Because of that, it creates a vortex with great positive influence.
Personal power is within each one of us, as well as the answers that help us to advance, but certain things give support to this advance.

By creating the Güara we have no intention of granting power to a symbol or expecting it to solve our problems. We are just showing our respect to the ancestral culture which inspired the birth of this Network of Light, and benefiting from its positive influence on the path of the people receiving the Güara as their guardians month after month.


1.   The group coordinator brings a stick or a cane of approximately 1 meter and 20 cm long.

2.   Each of the attendees ties his/her ribbon to the stick with three knots, asking the power of unity to help them fulfil his/her spiritual evolution purposes. Better to be done after the meditation.

3.   The coordinator of the circle chooses the guardian of the Güara, who will take it to guard it, bringing it back on the next month for the following full moon meditation. In that moment he himself will designate the next guardian of the Güara, and will share with the group his/her experiences during last month.


Close your eyes and get ready to relax.
Inhale deeply and gently let the air escape you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Take your attention to the light that shines in the center of your chest.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

From there, imagine the strand of light that connects your heart with the Source.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Imagine as well the strand of light that connects your heart with the Earth’s heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Repeat to yourself:
I am one in me.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel your mind and heart merging.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

I am one with Mother Earth.
Imagine your fusion with her.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

I am one with the Source.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel as well how you are fusing yourself in her, in the infinite light which is the origin of life.
PAUSE (30 seconds)


Now, in unity with your two essences,
in full internal oneness, request a bathroom of violet light to descend upon you,
from the source to the center of the Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Perceive the lifting effect of this light that frees you from disruptive frequencies,
which maybe you have created within yourself, through thoughts and emotions of low vibration.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Now let your soul expand from the center of your chest,
to encompass you completely.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Immersed in your own light, let yourself be lulled by it.
PAUSE (1 minute)


Light gives you back the memory of your essence.
In this new cycle, which now begins, you will start again,
rescuing the authentic values of your essence.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Perceive the road full of flowers that opens before you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It unfolds right before your feet.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Flowers of all colors, of many different shapes.
Flowers that give off divine aromas,
they call you.
Feel their call.
And look closely
because, as you go down that road,
there are some flowers that will attract your attention much more than others.
The ones of a particular color.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Get close to them.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Get impregnated of their essence.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Breathe their light.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Feel the message those flowers deliver to you.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

That's your first sign,
the first clue that the universe hands you now,
to start back on course, the true one, which your soul wanted to manifest in this land.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Keep going down that road.
Realize that now the flowers are giving way to some beautiful crystals.
Quartz crystals of different colors, emitting flashes, radiating light.
Feel how the frequency rises in the path.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And how one of those crystals is calling you.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Approach it. Take its call.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Let it fill you with its essence.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Get impregnated with its frequency.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Here you have the second clue to your progress in this new cycle.
The crystal is talking to you.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Continue to move forward a little more.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Look closely at how now,
gradually, the crystals are left behind
and animals appear before you.
They are of all kinds,
of an immense beauty.
The fauna that inhabit the Earth now opens before you,
so that, at this time, you discover your power animal
and rescue your dormant abilities in your being.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

One of them approaches you looking into your eyes.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

His heart and yours join.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And you realize that its qualities are in you.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

That animal is your ally.
Always remember it when you feel decaying.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Let his essence impregnates you, before continuing moving forward.
PAUSE (1 minute)

You reach now the end of the road,
where there is an illuminated clearing waiting for you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The flowers you chose, the glass that called you and the animal that approached you are there waiting for you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Stop and stare,
because together they now become just one being,
and create something different.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Together as one, they show you the answer.
The message that your soul brought to this planet is now revealed to you, clearly.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Move towards this new being wich has been created in the clearing of the road.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Look at him without fear
because he shows you who you really are.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

What you came to manifest.
The infinite qualities that you possess.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Your great beauty.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Embrace it and merge yourself with him,
Manifesting, here and now, the purpose to be yourself on this land.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Be yourself, the true one.
The reflection of your soul.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

At each step of the way, in every action and thought.
PAUSE (1 minute)

You being who you really are, following the voice of your soul, the universal energy that drives you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The roads are opened and everything becomes easy.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Return now to the circle, to your presence in you,
bringing with you this beautiful energy that you now impregnates you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Project it to the center of the circle, from your heart.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

So your understanding and evolutionary advance can also help others
we will prepare together a large sphere of light with this renewed energy,
with this intention of evolution and internal connection with the soul.
A sphere of light that will help all those who crave a change
and have requested assistance from the Universe.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

From your heart emerges that light and is condensed with the light of all the others,
in the center of this circle.
Creating a transparent and glowing sphere, which emits flashes of purity.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Each one’s purposes of evolution generate a powerful and high frequency energy:
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I will be myself.
I will listen to my soul.
I will take the steps that my heart asks me.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Gradually, the sphere expands and completely covers the whole circle.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It stops there for us to feel its energy and get its message,
an individual message for each one.
PAUSE (1 minute)

We will expand it now, with the power of intention,
to reach beyond this circle.
Let it go.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The sphere of light is expanding gradually,
impregnating everywhere it goes,
leaving its frequency in the air, available to all those who open themselves to it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

From the deep respect
to the will of every being
it is sowing light throughout the earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The purpose of life is the way
which will return peace and joy to you

Heed the call of your soul,
because she knows you and knows what you need.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It contains all the answers you seek.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel the vibration of your soul and raise your frequency.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

The sphere expands transmitting this message.
It goes in search of the other spheres that, like it,
have been generated in hundreds of locations throughout the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Spheres of infinite light, created in unity for those who join today
with the intention of being love, being light, remembering their life purpose.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Confidence in oneself and in the magic of life is the pattern.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Feel how they approach to each other,
expanding into an infinite dance which brings joy and lifts.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Spheres of light and confidence.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Spheres of respect and love,
that today we deliver to humanity and the planet.
PAUSE (10 seconds)
Together, as one, they merge now.
Contemplate its immense beauty.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Sparks of divine light emerge already from that sphere.
It is divine because is has been born from every human heart.
Each heart carries a soul full of light, full of love.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Trust, brother.
The truth is in your soul.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Life constantly invites you to feel your own light and to heed it.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

We thank all the beings of light who have voluntarily accompanied us to perform this meditation.

Mother Earth and the Source.

All attendees in the presence and in the distance for working in unity.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

This meditation includes an offering, which you can perform right now or at another time when you can be in full contact with Nature, on the beach, in the mountains, in the countryside, in an open place, so that your offering really takes root and gains strength. To realize it you will need what indicated at the outset, in paragraph What to bring.


1.    To perform it, first, offer your respect to the guardians of where you are. Say aloud that you will make an offering to seek help from Mother Earth, to give impetus to your development purposes for this new cycle and help you realize them.

2.    Present your respect to Mother Earth and ask for their help and permission to perform the offering.

3.    Invoke the elementals of air, water, earth, fire and ether to help you bring to matter all that you propose to evolve today.

4.    Ask for the help of the universe and all beings of high vibration working closely together today to help humans remember their true origin and trust their soul. You convoke them to help you fulfilling your soul’s life plan.

5.    Make a hole in the ground.

6.    Place the rice first, with the intention to give prosperity to your offering.

7.    Take the transparent quartz in your hand. Program it with the intention that you manifest today: your purposes of evolution for the new cycle. Let the energy of those purposes flow from your hand to the quartz crystal. Remember the meditation you just made and all information you have obtained in it.

8.    Place the quartz in your offering.

9.    Irrigate it with a little of water, so that all those flow to you naturally and easily.

10. Spread the seeds over your offering, to give life to your purposes.

11. Cover it all with the earth that you extracted previously.

12. Place your hands on the offering, to seal it with your energy.

13. Scatter the flower petals over your gift as a symbol of your confidence that Mother Earth, the Universe, the elementary and all convoked beings are already collaborating for that to be fulfilled.

14. Thank. Give thanks with the assurance that your wish has been granted and is already coming to you.

From Agartam we thank you for your beautiful cooperation in this full moon night.


IN COLLABORATION WITH AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF VALUES  We propose taking trust to your life, in your daily situations, until next full moon. Find more details following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF HO’OPONOPONO also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF BIODANCE also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)




If you wish to join one of the circles doing these meditations each month in several countries please e-mail us at
reddeluz@agartam.com (Spanish) / english@agartam.com (English)
We’ll give you the information to contact the nearest group to your city. For that, we need you to indicate us which country and city you are in.

You can also search for the information of the closest group to your city on the RED DE LUZ section of our website: www.agartam.com, though only the ones that gave us permission are publicly shown.

 If you wish to start a new group yourself, please e-mail us to:
Full Moon meditations are free activities offered by Agartam which are open to any person who wishes to participate.


At 9.00 pm
Alicia Sánchez Montalbán y Víctor Polo (Ananda Sananda) AT
In front of #18 in Passeig Marqués Casa Riera.

Guided live by Josefina Huerta Genaro (Spanish):
At 11:30 pm, Spain time zone


Guided live by Griselda Sfacia:
At 9.00 pm, Argentina time zone
(No password needed. Just type the name in the user’s window)



    MANTRA FM     
Check the website to know the schedule:

At 9.00pm, Spain time.


Check out our website to find other countries and cities www.agartam.com (Red de Luz)

FRANCE: france@agartam.com



The Network of Light is created with the Full moon meditations. We convoke them in this phase of the moon because the full moon amplifies all that is done during the days it takes place.  We thus amplify the effect of the meditation. An effect which is as it is very powerful, due to the strength of UNITY.

Furthermore, following the cycle of the Moon, we also respect THE NATURAL CYCLES through which our loving planet undergoes and we reactivate the effect of the Network of Light with a new meditation in each new cycle.

We meditate united in a circle and then we join this energy that is created by each circle to the one that is being created by other circles at distance.  It´s a circle of light destined to first balance one ownself and then help humanity and the planet.

At present there are more than 1000 groups which perform it in the whole world, a number that is growing each day.

Would you like to organize them in your city?

We will send you the meditation each month. You will only have to call the people and read it. You can start with a few friends or relatives. The ideal would be to organize it the way you feel is the best. You must feel comfortable while doing it, and it should also have your own energy and your own way of doing it.

The only thing we ask you for is that it should be a completely free activity, open to all those who would like to participate.


Small sample of the Network of Light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnPJ7oZOK4Q&list=UUS_hqOik7i7ol6AQbr1w_hQ

Agartam, what is it? Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ii0UleScXw

Agartam, the strength of unity. Interview:

Agartam, the strength of the union: Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2BX5CnJLW4

How the Network of Light was created: Conference:  http://vimeo.com/52922336

Ritual of full moon, June 2010. Recorded Live: http://vimeo.com/13173586

If you wish to organize these full moon meditations in your city,
you can write us an email to



Convocatorias Anteriores