FULL MOON MEDITATION - July 20th 2016 - DETACHMENT (with offering)

JULY 20th 2016


To be done in a circle with other people or alone, manifesting the intention of joining one of the circles doing the meditation at distance.


Wear white clothes if possible.
If the meditation does not take place outdoors, prepare an altar where the four elements
 must be present: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Light up a white candle in front of every attendant, and another one in the center of the circle.
People attending this kind of meditation for the first time should be sitting inside the circle.
When holding your hands, place the left palm upwards (income) and the right palm downwards (outcome).


 A white candle.

 The quartz that has accompanied your process throughout the year, to give it to Mother Earth. If you don’t have got that quartz, or it is the first time that you do these meditations any quartz will be OK. Just project on it the intention that it absorbs the information of your last year evolutionary process.

Apple seeds. The ones inside an apple.

Coarse salt.

A piece of paper with the things that you are leaving behind:
behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, attachment to people, places or things.

Matches or a lighter.

A little of water.

If you cannot perform this meditation outdoor or in Nature, you will also need a pot with a living plant, to do the offering on it.



It all rearranges in times of change. The puzzle pieces become momentary out of place, to be placed again in its spot, with a new order. A new disposition, better fitting the energy that comes. The Earth is transforming. The human being, as well. Cycles are initiated and completed, generating little by little a great evolutionary advance.

In the cycle that now we leave behind with this moon we have learnt many things. We have realized that the old ways of acting are no longer useful, they are not working, they don’t solve. We have understood that we must listen to our soul if we want our lives to be aligned with their purpose and recover magic.

Bliss is available to everyone, we just need to move towards it with joy and confidence. For that we must immerse ourselves in the new frequency, accepting whatever comes, detaching from which is no longer useful to us, constantly renewing ourselves.

We are the gear between two eras. It is up to us the function of generating a change. We can not hold on to anything, because you need to release in order to change. To discard out-dated patterns of behaviour, and ways of living that limit us. Getting rid of wilted beliefs, ideas that limit us. Detaching from the attachment we feel for places, things and people.

The shift comes. It is inevitable. We can give ourselves to it or oppose, but only in the first case we will be submerging in the energy of the New Earth. Submerging in the energy of the New Earth implies surrender and confidence: surrendering to what is happening, with no angriness or struggle; trusting to the point of releasing all that prevents me from giving up.

When I release and surrender, the current of life takes me to a new place: the beginning of something different. I will be the creator of that new life, but to reach it, first I will need to release the ballast and go forward.


An stage concludes today. Since year 2009, these meditations are following the Thirteen Moons Calendar, according to which the year ends on July 24th. This one is the last full moon before that day.

To get rid off the old and make room for the new we will perform an offering to Mother Earth, with the intention of requesting for her help to materialize that purpose in our lives. Today I give the Earth all that I detach from and thank her for her help, because I know for certain that she grants and impulses mi request. To make the offering you will need the things described before the purpose.


Since 1583, the world follows the Gregorian calendar. This calendar moves in the 12:60 frequency (12 months per year and 60 minutes per hour). On it, time is measured with non-regular unities. Some months are 30 days long, and other ones are 31, 28 or 29 if it is a leap year.

Natural frequency of time is 13:20 (13 months and 20 minutes). This allows us counting time by lunar cycles, each one containing 4 weeks of seven days, resulting in 364 days, plus the Day Out of Time.

The Thirteen Moons Calendar gives us back the natural sequence of time: 13 moons of 28 days, plus the Day Out of Time, being July 25th, a day intended for meditation, thanks giving and celebration. Year by year, this calendar remains unaltered, because every month is 28 days long.

The New Year day is July 26th, which coincides with the raise of the Sirius star. This way, the Thirteen Moons calendar not only connects us to the natural cycles of our planet, but also with the rest of the galaxy.


1.    To start the offering show your respect to the guardians of the place where you are and ask for permission to make it. Also Mother Earth’s.
2.    Make a hole in the earth or in the pot.
3.    Place the coarse salt, with the intention that it absorbs, and convoke the power of the Air to help you.
4.    Place the paper on which you have written the things you get rid off today: behaviours, attitudes, beliefs, attachment to things, places or people.
5.    Invoke the power of fire, to transmute all that in you, to help you in the shift.
6.    Burn the piece of paper carefully inside the hole. As you observe it being consumed, go freeing yourself innerly from all that you have written.
7.    When it has being consumed, invoke the power of ether, for it to give life to your offering, and place the apple seeds in it.
8.    Invoke now the earth element and ask her to shelter with love the quartz that you give her. In this quartz it’s impregnated the evolution of a whole cycle: a solar year that concludes today. Give it as an offering, joining this way your evolution with the one of this planet.
9.    Cover everything with the earth that your previously extracted to make the hole.
10. Invoke the power of water, to purify and renew, and water your offering. This way you add yourself to the natural flow of life.
11. Place your hands on your offering and thank all the elements and Mother Earth. Thank as if it was already done, with confidence. Today you are starting a new life.


Close your eyes and get ready to relax
Make three deep breaths
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel the strand of light that connects your soul, from the center of your chest,
with the Source
and with the heart of the Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Repeat to yourself:
I am one in me.
Feel your mind and heart being fused.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with all the beings inhabiting this planet.
Merge yourself with the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with the universe.
Fuse yourself with it.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel every part of this decree as a reality.
PAUSE (10 seconds)


Now a sphere of diamond light descends from the Source to you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It’s a sphere of light approaching to the upper part of your head
which is descending little by little through your whole body, until reaching your feet.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

A sphere that envelopes you,
thus, your body gets immersed in it as it goes down.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

When it reaches your feet it starts an ascending movement,
up from your feet
absorbing any trace of negativity that you may have in your physical body,
your mind or your aura.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The sphere of diamond light absorbs it and takes it slowly upwards,
towards the upper zone of your head,
where two beings of light await to take that sphere with them.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

You get today the help of the universe to materialize your purpose of detachment,
for you to have mental clarity and you are able to fully connect with your heart.
PAUSE (10 seconds)


The diamond light has withdrawn from you the low vibrating thoughts and emotions.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The two beings of light take the sphere away.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

If you wish so, those two beings of light can help you today
to materialize the detachment that you have done with your offering,
to boost it.
If your answer is yes, look closely, because now they are descending again,
in front of you, with another sphere of diamond light.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

A sphere of diamond light that they place before you,
so you consciously place in it all those things you detach from today:
Limiting beliefs and attitudes,
old ways of solving, acting or reacting.
Behaviours that were moving you away from your soul.
You can also give the atachment to situations, things or people.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

If you consider that all those things slow your evolutionary process,
the time has come to leave the old behind to make room to the new.
Make room inside you for the energy of the new cycle comes in abundance.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Empty yourself from what no longer is useful for you.
These two beings of light are delighted to help you
and to take what is no longer fitting far from your life,
that which impedes your purpose, your soul’s purpose.
That which moves you away from love, joy and confidence.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

They take away all those things, inside the diamond sphere.
When they leave, you see an open path before your feet.
A path of light, that attracts and calls you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

On that path you are going to come upon old situations already lived,
so that their energy change,
so that you live them now from a new perspective, closer to love,
respect and joy.
Confidence must be a fundamental ingredient.
The New Earth energy contains all of those
and now you, on that path, one by one and step by step, you come upon
those situations that caused you pain, or which, may be, caused pain to others,
for you to live them now from your soul,
fill them with light and change their energy.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Stop at each of them,
look at them with love.
Expand your soul
and hold them in their light, in your own light.
PAUSE (40 seconds)

You even can change what happened,
so that the change is installed energetically inside you.
A shift towards love. Remember it. That perspective is essential.
PAUSE (2 minutes)

Moving down that path,
once all those situations are transformed into love,
you get to a clearing.
A clearing full of light, in which those two beings of light are waiting for you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

They carry another sphere of diamond light.
A huge, immense sphere.
They are inviting you to enter it.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Inside it a wonderful world is waiting for you.
A world in which you will be able to see details of your new life,
once you leave behind all that limits you
and open up to the new energy, the New Earth energy.
In it you will find as well clues to move forward,
details that will tell you the direction.
If you accede, if your hearts resonates and you feel so,
go in that sphere of diamond light.
Come in contact with the diamond light.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Access to the world of diamond light,
which help you opening your heart and vibrating in a new infinite frequency:
the frequency of love, the frequency of the New Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

The diamond light renews you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Rises your vibration
and offers you the perspective you need to gain confidence and security.
Let yourself go with it and access your new life.
PAUSE (2 minutes)

Collect with your hands a little of that diamond light and bring it to this circle.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Take it to your heart, in the center of your chest.
Let it install there,
in unity with your soul.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And from there, project it to the center of the circle,
so that a beautiful sphere of diamond light is formed there, in the center,
with everyone’s contribution.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel it growing, feel it shining and expanding, until fully encompassing us all.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

A sphere that grows up and up and stops at the borders of this circle.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Immersed all in its energy we get ready to give it to the world,
with the intention of helping all those who have requested help from the universe,
those who yearn for a change and don’t know where to start.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

All those who are willing to receive its energy.
From respect and the deepest love
we are going to give them this diamond light,
for it to help them leaving behind all that prevent them from being themselves
and connecting with their hearts.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The diamond light absorbs the unnecessary negativity,
the one that isn’t part of each soul’s life plan.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The one that hurts and limits.
All of that is absorbed and taken away by this light, renewing the person’s energy and rising his vibration, so that he is able to open his heart, allowing his soul to be his guide.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

On the count of three we will allow this sphere to expand beyond this circle,
taking diamond light to every corner in the planet.
One, two, three, now.
Impulse it with your intention.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The diamond light is expanded beyond this place.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Touching minds and hearts from respect,
as an invitation to awakening,
an invitation with no imposition.
It just invites, respecting the free will of every being.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Detach from what is no longer useful to you.
Come in contact with the New Earth energy.
Let go of all that binds you to a painful, limiting and destructive past.
Open your heart to a new life.
The entire universe is looking forward to welcome you in this new frequency:
love, respect and joy.
Unity with all that exists.
Open your heart and surrender.
Surrender struggle, surrender control and fear.
You are love, you are infinite light. Remember it in order to expand yourself.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Prepare to live in the New Earth frequency,
trusting that love is the answer.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The sphere of diamond light expands more and more
and go encountering the other spheres,
which have been created in hundreds of places,
throughout the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Spheres of diamond light that search unity,
to create a loving and aware network of diamond energy,
which invites to awaken.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

All the spheres are merged into one.
A single one, all around the planet.
Generating all together the power of unity.
Giving off now sparkles of diamond light.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

A light that the universe hands us today to help us advancing.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Feel the call of the diamond light in your heart.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

You are also an agent of the shift,
an active component.
You are invited today to materialize the New Earth in your reality.
To be love instead of fight will be your guideline,
to leave behind everything that connects you with war inside you,
to become in contact with the peace of your soul,
to solve from the heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

We thank all the beings of light who have voluntarily accompanied us to guide this meditation.

Mother Earth for welcoming our offering and impelling us with her energy.

The Source for giving us that diamond light which will help us advancing.

All the attendants, at presence or in the distance, for collaborating in unity.

PAUSE (20 seconds)

Place your hands on the Earth and ask her to absorb from you all the energy that your physical body is not able to sustain.

From Agartam we thank You for your beautiful collaboration in this full moon night.


IN COLLABORATION WITH AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF VALUES  We propose taking detachment to your life, in your daily situations, until next full moon. Find more details in the following link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF HO’OPONOPONO also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF BIODANCE also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF TAPPING also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)


July 20th 2016


If you wish to join one of the circles doing these meditations each month in several countries please e-mail us at
reddeluz@agartam.com (Spanish) / english@agartam.com (English)
We’ll give you the information to contact the nearest group to your city. For that, we need you to indicate us which country and city you are in.

You can also search for the information of the closest group to your city on the RED DE LUZ section of our website: www.agartam.com, though only the ones that gave us permission are publicly shown.

 If you wish to start a new group yourself, please e-mail us to:
Full Moon meditations are free activities offered by Agartam which are open to any person who wishes to participate.

At 9.00 pm
Alicia Sánchez Montalbán y Víctor Polo (Ananda Sananda) at
In front of #18 in Passeig Marqués Casa Riera.

Guided live by Josefina Huerta Genaro (Spanish):
At 11:30 pm, Spain time zone


Guided live by Griselda Sfacia:
At 9.00 pm, Argentina time zone
(No password needed. Just type the name in the user’s window)



                MANTRA FM     
Check the website to know the schedule:

At 9.00pm, Spain time.


Check out our website to find other countries and cities www.agartam.com (Red de Luz)

FRANCE: france@agartam.com



The Network of Light is created with the Full moon meditations. We convoke them in this phase of the moon because the full moon amplifies all that is done during the days it takes place.  We thus amplify the effect of the meditation. An effect which is as it is very powerful, due to the strength of UNITY.

Furthermore, following the cycle of the Moon, we also respect THE NATURAL CYCLES through which our loving planet undergoes and we reactivate the effect of the Network of Light with a new meditation in each new cycle.

We meditate united in a circle and then we join this energy that is created by each circle to the one that is being created by other circles at distance.  It´s a circle of light destined to first balance one ownself and then help humanity and the planet.

At present there are more than 1000 groups which perform it in the whole world, a number that is growing each day.

Would you like to organize them in your city?

We will send you the meditation each month. You will only have to call the people and read it. You can start with a few friends or relatives. The ideal would be to organize it the way you feel is the best. You must feel comfortable while doing it, and it should also have your own energy and your own way of doing it.

The only thing we ask you for is that it should be a completely free activity, open to all those who would like to participate.


Small sample of the Network of Light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnPJ7oZOK4Q&list=UUS_hqOik7i7ol6AQbr1w_hQ

Agartam, what is it? Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ii0UleScXw

Agartam, the strength of unity. Interview:

Agartam, the strength of the union: Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2BX5CnJLW4

How the Network of Light was created: Conference:  http://vimeo.com/52922336

Ritual of full moon, June 2010. Recorded Live: http://vimeo.com/13173586

If you wish to organize these full moon meditations in your city,
you can write us an email to


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