FULL MOON MEDITATION - February 22nd 2016 - LOYALTY (Cycle: Oneness Values)

FEBRUARY 22nd 2016

To be done in a circle with other people or alone, manifesting the intention of joining one of the circles doing the meditation at distance.


Wear white clothes if possible.
If the meditation does not take place outdoors, prepare an altar where the four elements
 must be present: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Light up a white candle in front of every attendant, and another one in the center of the circle.
People attending this kind of meditation for the first time should be sitting inside the circle.
When holding your hands, place the left palm upwards (income) and the right palm downwards (outcome).



A white candle.

 One quartz of any kind. It will accompany us during the complete cycle, until we’ll give it to the Earth in the Summer of 2016.



In collaboration with Agartam’s Values Network and Ho’oponopono Network

Loyalty is a value that supports me to move forward in unity with my heart, trusting me without betraying myself. I believe in me and stand on my own axis. I move forward and keep on, despite the rainstorm. I believe in me, even when the others do not agree with my beliefs or with my way of acting. Loyalty to myself implies that I don’t quit being my best friend, never.

For that, I listen with humility to other’s opinions, but not letting those opinions sinking or stopping me. Humility is not the same as insecurity. Humility is the attitude of constant evolution that leads to observe me, to realize when is my wounded ego or my controlling ego who is imposed, and not my heart. It is to listen to the other with the heart, to asses whether his opinion has something to bring me, but without allowing that opinion to become my truth, and, much less, without letting it to sink or limit me. Loyalty to myself asks me to trust in me. Humility asks me an inner observation attitude.

Sometimes, my humanness can take me to make mistakes or to hurt other unintentionally. The other’s opinions can help me to realize and correct a mistake or repair a damage, but it must never sink me in distrust or misunderstanding, because I must be my best friend, the person who will always be there to embrace me and give me love.

Loyalty implies trust and security, and sometimes, to make decisions that turn me away from other people. When that occurs I must keep myself in contact with my heart, for the soul to be the one who guides the process and my mind doesn’t remain trapped in pain, the injustice feeling or the misunderstanding. The mind finds it very easy to play that game. That is why it’s so important to maintain in contact with my soul, because she understands, respects and recognizes the light in every heart. She will help me keeping loyal to myself despite the incomprehension of others, not to lose the balance, keeping trusting myself. This way, connecting with my own inner light, I will be able to be loyal to the others, emit loyalty with my thoughts, acts and words, which will be destined to understand, to respect and to love every human process, and not to judge, to criticize or to reproach, not even inwardly.

When I keep true to myself I can be true to the others. When I am loyal to my soul, doubt and insecurity turn away from me. Then, nothing brings me down, nothing makes me lose my balance, because I am the strong axis that sustains any blow, any incomprehension, any pain. I cannot be loyal to the other if I am not loyal to me previously.

Loyalty with humility is born from love and expands it my reality, because it propels me to
be myself above everything, without emitting judgement or incomprehension to the others, but respect and affection. Each one of us are facing some tests, evolution test which turn us wiser and braver, more capable of emitting love. That is the lessons: to be love despite the pain; being love in the conflict, to resolve it from the heart; being love at the attack, to avoid that the energy of fight that it emanates impregnates me and turn me away from my heart.

I am the axle holding my life, love is the energy that keeps me going. Love is in my heart, in the light of my soul, that is why it’s so important that, firstly, I am true to myself, true to my feelings. Thus, I will find integrity. Honesty may flow from me. My thoughts, actions and words will be aligned with the message of my heart and, therefore, I will be a powerful spotlight in the world, because I will be being me, in unity with love.


Close your eyes and get ready to relax
Take three deep breaths
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel the strand of light that connects your soul, from the center of your chest,
to the Source
and to the Earth’s heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Repeat to yourself:
I am one in me.
Feel how your mind and your heart are merged.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with all the beings inhabiting this planet.
Merge yourself with the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

I am one with the universe.
Merge yourself with it.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel every part of this decree as a reality.
PAUSE (10 seconds)


Now imagine a bath of violet light around you descending from the Source.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It is like a tube of violet light fully embracing you,
getting through you, to reach the Earth’s heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Keep on inhaling and exhaling and imagine that, with each breathe,
you are freeing from thoughts and emotions that turn you away from your inner balance.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

That violet light absorbs and transforms them into light.
Sparkles of violet light that are descending through that tube of light to the Earth’s heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

A tube of light that amplifies until encompassing your whole aura.
All your energetic field is now bathed by violet light,
from the Source to the heart of the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Feel the liberation that this light offers you.
Observe how any trace of density is transformed into light
and descends to Gaia’s heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

She receives it with love
and thanks you your offering.
Violet light helps you to raise your vibration,
to balance yourself, to transform your energy into pure light,
light that the Earth receives and bathes with her own light, with her infinite love.
A love which now gives you to feel the unity with her.
Feel the embrace of the Earth reaching you, in this moment,
going through the lower part of your body and slowly ascending to your heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

In your heart awakens the call.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Gaia encourages you to be yourself, the being of light that you truly are
and to walk on this planet with confidence and trust.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

The Source wants to join this reencounter
and gives you now a bath of bright white light,
which is going from the upper part of your body to your heart.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

And through you to the inside of the Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Feel the call of the Source, of the original light from which you came one day,
encouraging you to be yourself, with confidence and trust in you,
for you to allow the wise and luminous soul that you carry inside
can manifest in the world.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Light and matter, matter and light. Everything is part of the One.
Feel it as a certainty in your heart.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And thus envelope yourself in the frequency of unity, which is the energy of the New Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)


Allow your soul to be expanded now, immersed in that frequency, from the center of your chest. PAUSE (10 seconds)

Let your own light to encompass you completely.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Sense the peace created in contact with the being of light living in you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

That light is hugely wise,

remember who you are and what you came for.
Allow it to show it to you.
Allow your soul to show you which is the road you yourself you craved for walking before being born. PAUSE (20 seconds)

Who did you come to be?

What for you’re here?
PAUSE (1 minute)

Realise how this road is related to your deepest wishes,
with that what you always wanted to do, and may be you didn’t dare to.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Give yourself the gift of imagining what it would be.
What would it be if you dared to move forward on that way,
the one that your soul suggests, with confidence and trust?
PAUSE (1 minute)

Perceive how do you feel when moving on towards there.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Feel how sadness, apathy or any other emotion avoiding you from vibrating in happiness are turning away from you.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

When you move on in the way that your soul asks you, you recover plenitude inside you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And then you feel full of yourself and full of life.
Do you understand why it’s so important, firstly, that you become loyal to you?
PAUSE (20 seconds)

When you choose words and actions that turn you away from your feeling, from the message of your soul, you betray yourself unintentionally.
Then, a little anger is generated inside you.
An anger that is growing with time,
as you stay in inner disconnection,
ceasing to listening to the voice of your heart,
to heed other directives, that has nothing to do with your purpose of life,
nor with your connection with God.
God is found inside you. He is your soul.
Your soul is one part of the great infinite light which created everything.
God guides you all the time, from your heart.
You are the wisest being in the world to guide your own life.
Just your own life; not the others’.
PAUSE (1 minute)

Loyalty to yourself makes you your best friend.
Look at you this way. Imagine yourself standing before you, as another “me” who is directly looking into your eyes.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Embrace yourself with love.
Offer yourself consolation, if you consider it necessary.
Offer yourself comprehension.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Sometimes it’s difficult to keep on being loyal to oneself when all is opposing,
when everything becomes obstacles, that seem to impede your progress.
If that is your situation, offer yourself love.
Look yourself into the eyes and tell you how much you trust you.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

Observe the light shining in the center of your chest,
in the center of that other “me” that you are.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And realize your huge inner beauty,
your great strength,
the so beautiful life plan that you came to fulfill.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

You are immensely luminous.
What emerges from your light cannot be mistaken.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Come forward in unity with you yourself,
heeding what your hearts asks you
and you’ll see your life soon being balanced
and you will fully vibrate in love.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

When you act with loyalty to yourself you can act with loyalty to the others.
That loyalty doesn’t imply that you cease being you.
And, much less, that you quit listening to the call of your soul.
Loyalty to the other implies respect, serenity and love.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Carrying out decisions that may result painful,
from the heart, turning you away from the tendency to judge or criticize,
because that causes wounds in the other and probably in you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

If a situation like this exists in your life
project the image of that person, now, in front of you.
Feel the light of your soul completely shining
in the center of your chest, and around, before speaking.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And express your truth in connection with it,
without accusing,
just from your feeling.
With love and with respect.
Explain him/her why you need to be loyal to you.
PAUSE (2 minutes)

Feel all of your energy coming back to you,
all the energy that remained stagnant in that situation.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

If you wish so you can dissolve now, with your hand,
the energy laces that bound you to that situation that prevented you from being yourself,
that prevented you from being loyal to you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Do it with love.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

An spiral of rainbow light is surrounds you.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

And helps you sustaining this decision:
I am going to be loyal to myself, to my heart.
I am going to walk on the Earth with confidence in me,
taking the obstacles as test of evolution,
respecting every human process, without getting myself lost in disconnection.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Being myself and allowing the other to be who he decides to be.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

The rainbow light surrounds and impregnates you.
restoring the total balance inside you.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

A rainbow arises from the center of your chest.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

It goes directly to the center of this circle.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

In order to create in unity a great sphere of rainbow light, which will help you remembering.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Inside that sphere is that baby,
who we all are, the new humankind,
which is already in his second month of development.
Imagine it in the center of the circle, immersed in that sphere of grand rainbow light.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Let your heart show him that loyalty to himself is a necessary value in his path,
to keep on being in contact with his own heart
and moving forward hand in hand with his soul.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

From here we join all the other spheres of rainbow light
that the other circles have created in the distance.
And also the spheres that the people who have joined today in solitary have created.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

With the intention, we merge all together in a great sphere of rainbow light,
which surrounds that new human being, who is still a baby.
PAUSE (30 seconds)

And together, as one, we expand throughout the Earth.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Rainbow light pouring now over the planet,
to help remembering that the voice of the soul is the only path that connects us with love.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

Rainbow light is surrounding now the Earth.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Emitting unceasingly the following message, to everyone who wishes to listen:
Brother, sister, look at the light in your heart,
trust it and recover your peace.
Connect with joy every day,
because that will allow you to go forward in unity with your heart.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Brother, sister, remember that loyalty to yourself is the first step of the way,
the basis on which you must go forward to feel yourself full and complete,
to find meaning in your life, in everything around you and in yourself.
PAUSE (10 seconds)

Brother, sister, listen to the voice of your soul and heed it.
Recover unity inside you
and project it in every one of your thoughts, acts and words,
for the world to become a welcome spot, from you.
PAUSE (20 seconds)

This Network of light that we together have created will remain permanently active around the Earth, to help us all remembering. We have created it unity and because of that it is infinite.

We thank all the beings of light who have accompanied us voluntarily to perform this meditation.

Mother Earth and the Source, for contributing us with their light and supporting us with love.

Every attendant, in presence or in the distance, for collaborating in unity.

Place your hands on the Earth and ask her to absorb from you all the energy that your physical body is not able to sustain.


IN COLLABORATION WITH AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF VALUES  we propose taking loyalty to your life, in your daily situations, until next full moon. Find more details following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF HO’OPONOPONO also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

AGARTAM’S NETWORK OF DIODANCE also joins this initiative. Find out more following this link: (Spanish)

February 22nd 2016


If you wish to join one of the circles doing these meditations each month in several countries please e-mail us at
reddeluz@agartam.com (Spanish) / english@agartam.com (English)
We’ll give you the information to contact the nearest group to your city. For that, we need you to indicate us which country and city you are in.

You can also search for the information of the closest group to your city on the RED DE LUZ section of our website: www.agartam.com, though only the ones that gave us permission are publicly shown.

 If you wish to start a new group yourself, please e-mail us to:

Full Moon meditations are free activities offered by Agartam which are open to any person who wishes to participate.



At 9.00 pm
Alicia Sánchez Montalbán and Víctor Polo (Ananda Sananda) will guide it again at the beach of Sant Vicenç de Montalt (Barcelona) in Spring.
Meanwhile, you can follow the meditation with the audio recording http://meditacionesdelunallenaagartam.blogspot.com.es
through one of the platforms that cast them online or on the radio:

Guided live by Josefina Huerta Genaro (Spanish):
At 11:30 pm, Spain time zone


Guided live by Griselda Sfacia:
At 9.00 pm, Argentina time zone
(No password needed. Just type the name in the user’s window)



Monday, January 25th at 09.00 pm, Argentina time (Spain: 01.00 pm)

At 9.00pm, Spain time.


Check our website to find other countries and cities www.agartam.com (Red de Luz)

SPAIN: comunicacion@agartam.com


The Network of Light is created with the Full moon meditations. We convoke them in this phase of the moon because the full moon amplifies all that is done during the days it takes place.  We thus amplify the effect of the meditation. An effect which is as it is very powerful, due to the strength of UNITY.

Furthermore, following the cycle of the Moon, we also respect THE NATURAL CYCLES through which our loving planet undergoes and we reactivate the effect of the Network of Light with a new meditation in each new cycle.

We meditate united in a circle and then we join this energy that is created by each circle to the one that is being created by other circles at distance.  It´s a circle of light destined to first balance one ownself and then help humanity and the planet.

At present there are more than 1000 groups which perform it in the whole world, a number that is growing each day.

Would you like to organize them in your city?

We will send you the meditation each month. You will only have to call the people and read it. You can start with a few friends or relatives. The ideal would be to organize it the way you feel is the best. You must feel comfortable while doing it, and it should also have your own energy and your own way of doing it.

The only thing we ask you for is that it should be a completely free activity, open to all those who would like to participate.


Small sample of the Network of Light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnPJ7oZOK4Q&list=UUS_hqOik7i7ol6AQbr1w_hQ

Agartam, what is it? Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ii0UleScXw

Agartam, the strength of unity. Interview:

Agartam, the strength of the union: Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2BX5CnJLW4

How the Network of Light was created: Conference:  http://vimeo.com/52922336

Ritual of full moon, June 2010. Recorded Live: http://vimeo.com/13173586

If you wish to organize these full moon meditations in your city,
you can write us an email to


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